
Monday, September 1, 2014


1) Human welfare, health and safety are further components of sustainability. Farming must be economically viable to be sustainable. The social and economic welfare of farmers, farm workers, and their communities depends upon it. Health and safety are also important concerns for those involved in farming operations. Due care and diligence is required at all times. With regard to agricultural workers, the ILO in collaboration with governments, employers and trade unions, has developed core conventions on labor including codes of practice for agriculture, which have not been specifically included in the indicators and practices.

2) Good practices related to human welfare, health and safety will include those that direct all farming practices to achieve an optimum balance between economic, environmental, and social goals; provide adequate household income and food security; adhere to safe work procedures with acceptable working hours and allowance for rest periods; instruct workers in the safe and efficient use of tools and machinery; pay reasonable wages and not exploit workers, especially women and children; and purchase inputs and other services from local merchants if possible.

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