Aloe vera has been used externally to treat various
skin conditions such as cuts, treat first and second degree burns, and eczema.
It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. It
has antiseptic and antibiotic properties which make it highly valuable in
treating cuts and abrasions.
Aloe vera gel is useful for dry skin conditions,
especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin. Aloe vera juice
may help some people with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease.
Aloe has been marketed as a remedy for coughs,
wounds, ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis,
immune-system deficiencies, and many other conditions when taken internally.
However, the general internal use is as a laxative.
The lower leaf of the plant is used for medicinal
purpose. If the lower leaf is sliced open, the gel obtained can be applied on
the affected area of the skin. As a medicine it is used as:
Protector of human immune system : The whole leaf
extract galvanizes the cells of immune system. The phagocytes increase their
scavenging activities, thus cleansing the body and kicking off a whole cascade
of protective actions which strengthen immunity.
is known that famous Egypt Queen
Cleopatra made herself massaged with aloe vera to keep her skin fresh.
Improves digestive system
Aloe juice helps in digestive disorders.
Constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome etc are cured by
the flushing action. The deposits of toxins and unwanted substances in our diet
which keep accumulating in intestines prevent the absorption of essential
nutrients causing nutritional deficiency, lethargy, constipation, lower back
ache. Aloe juice helps flush out these residues boosting the digestion and
giving a greater feeling of well-being.
In arthritis: Being a stimulant to the immune
system, a powerful anti-inflammatory, an analgesic and able to speed up cell
growth, it repairs arthritis damaged tissue. While conventional allopathic treatment
only relieves pain, Aloe helps in repair process by regenerating cells and
detoxifying the affected area.
1In stress: Aloe Vera juice is just the thing to get our
machinery smoothly and effectively going.
2In cancer: Aloe juice enables the body to heal itself from
cancer and the damage done by radio and chemotherapy which destroy healthy
immune cells crucial to the recovery.
3In diabetes: It lowers glucose and tri-glyceride levels in
diabetic patients. Effects can be seen from the second week of the treatment.
to lower the glucose level of a person with diabetes. However, Aloe Vera is yet
to be proven as an treatment for the disease though it is to some extent
administered for type2 diabetes. Despite many research findings prove the
efficiency of Aloe Vera for hypoglycemia treatment; it is still necessary to
perform more experiments to establish the plant’s effectiveness. It may help to
lower down the glucose level which is the main cause associated with the
Sometimes administration of Aloe Vera may result in
sudden hypoglycemic condition in patients and more so if taken along with
allopathic treatment. It always advisable to consult your medical practitioner
before taking Aloe Vera as a solo drug in this era of personalizes medicine.
4In hepatitis: Extract of aloe juice has been shown to have
beneficial effects on liver and alleviate symptoms considerably in chronic
hepatitis patients.
5In heart disease: Addition of isabgol and Aloe Vera juice to the
diet of patients of angina pectoris, results in marked reduction of serum
cholesterol and tri-glycerides and increase in level of HDL.
6In AIDS: A daily dose of min. 1200mg. of active ingredients
of aloe vera showed substantial improvement in AIDS symptoms. Says Dr. Pulse,
Aloe is to an AIDS patient as insulin is to a diabetic.
7In Piles: Aloes have been found useful in piles, mixed in
small quantities with sulphur. It is applied by natives externally in the form
of lep -paste- in pleurisy A sweetmeat, halwa,is prepared from the pulp of the
leaves and given in cases of piles, and apparently with very good effect
7In wound and skin disease: Aloe vera gel is excellent for easing first degree
burns, relieves inflammation and accelerates healing. Aloe vera gel has
anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects and helps heal minor wounds.
It lessens painful effects of shingles, reduces symptoms of psoriasis and eases
heartburns and ulcers.
9Ayurvedic Medicine: Aloe is used as important Ayurvedic medicines. It
is used in
10Jaundice - A few drops of aloe juice is installed in the
nostrils to control jaundice.
Liver disorders - Aloe juice with turmeric powder should be taken
twice a day.
11Difficult urination - Continuous diluted aloe juice should be taken time
to time to alleviate this condition.
12In wounds - Boil aloe leaves and takes the fleshy part of the
inside of the leaves to use as a poultice over wounds.
As a cosmetic - Aloe is one of the best known moisturizers and
used in creams and shampoos.
Also used as organic manure in agro field.
Vera is the species of the succulent plant and has thick fleshy stems with
spiny leaves. The fleshy stem contains the Aloe Vera juice which is used for
various purposes since the beginning of the first century as an excellent home
remedy. The juice and the gel are used
in every medicinal, cosmetic, heath
treatment and also in your regular diet.
The aloe Vera juice
and the gel are powerhouses of antioxidants, antibiotics, work as stimulator of
cell growth and and have scar and pain inhibitor properties. They are rich in
the following vitamins and minerals.
Folic acid
Vitamins A, B1, B2,
B6, C, E
Amino acids
Aloe Vera Gel
Gel is the colourless mucilaginous gel
obtained from the parenchymatous cells in the fresh leaves of Aloe vera (L)
Aloe vera
gel has earned a reputation as a miracle drug. It
is effective in burn treatment, because
of its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Its healing properties
may be due to rehydrating, insulating and protective activities resulting from
the high water content. The major constituents are polysaccharides (mainly
acemannan), lectins, sterols and enzymes, and the effect is assumed to be a
synergy between the polysaccharide base and various components. In addition,
acemannan has shown immune stimulating, anticancer and antiviral effects. The use of the gel has been approved in
the United States for treatment of leukaemia in cats, of fibrosarcoma in dogs,
for wound healing in humans and to prevent dry socket (‘alveolar osteitis’) in
ACI Agro Solution
ISO 22000-2005,ISO 9001:2008, FSSAI, SSI, Seeds, Spice Board Of India, WHO GMP & NPOP, USDA, SGS organic certified.
Add.: J-507, AB, Sarna Dungar Industrial Area JAIPUR (RAJ.) 302012
MOB NO. +91-7597920642, +91 9414246808, +91-9314507433 (Neeraj Bhatnagar)
email:, ,
ISO 22000-2005,ISO 9001:2008, FSSAI, SSI, Seeds, Spice Board Of India, WHO GMP & NPOP, USDA, SGS organic certified.
Add.: J-507, AB, Sarna Dungar Industrial Area JAIPUR (RAJ.) 302012
MOB NO. +91-7597920642, +91 9414246808, +91-9314507433 (Neeraj Bhatnagar)
email:, ,

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